Monday, January 21, 2008

Learnings from dabbawala..

The famous Mumbai Dabbawalas were at our college a few days ago for a workshop on six sigma wherein we as a management student had a great learning as to how to run a organisation with a high quality of attitude,fairness, understanding and generosity between the management, staff and customers. It was unlike other workshops which would run for minimum of eight hours followed by an exam, wherein there is no other option than to have a good meditation during the class. However, what I took home was not just management fundas but lessons that I will cherish all my life. Since these lessons impacted me greatly, I felt that I must share my learnings with you. Therefore I decided to write this blog.

Some of the business practices that i realized that made them unique was their Organisation Culture which is generally defined as the shared values, norms and expectations that guide organisation members in terms of how to approach their work and deal with each other and their customers.

We, try to promote by aligning the organisation's vision, structures, systems, job design, leadership behaviour n blah blah hiring management gradutaes from premier institutes but they have done it the best way possible, not having any HR manager or any policies and most of the employees are just 8th standard passed.

People in the organisation are the ones who are responsible for making that business sucessful by having a right attitude and commitment towards their work which would only be possible if the employees within the organisation are satisfied.

'Customer Service' is the main idea of the organisation
'No matter what, your lunch would be delivered at your office before time'. is the theme that each and every dabbawala follows.

Utmost dependence on Human Capital
The most vital link in this chain of food delivery is human capital. The procedures could have been laid downover a century ago, but it is the implementation of the procedures that makes the system work. The Mumbai dabbawalas propagate that correct amount of human dependence can yield amazing results.

Honesty and Integrity
The threads of integrity and honesty hold the dabbas together. Though it is lunchtime for dabbawalas also, the aroma wafting from the dabbas has never tempted them. Overcoming a basic instinct like hunger is possible only because of strong roots in a culture that encourages truthfulness and integrity.

Discipline and Time Management
The dabbawalas operate on the Chanakya system of Sama-Dama-Danda-Bhed for the errant members. This ensures that the errant member stays within the system. Secondly, they are extremely particular about time and realise the value of every second in the value chain. So much so that when Prince Charles wanted to meet them, they gave him a precise time slot so that the thousands others would not have to skip their lunch.

Pride towards their work
The dabbawalas take their role as 'Annadatas' very seriously. For them, the delivery of tiffins is much beyond a job – it means q uelling the hunger that strikes the customer when lunch hour approaches. And so they move about their mission briskly with a smile, making sure they are never late.

Recruitment policies and manpower management
Over the years, the dabbawalas has become a growing community of busy delivery-men who carry out theirwork with honesty and commitment. This is because each person in the value chain is selected very carefully and with due recommendation only. The implication of the word 'recommendation' is different from the common parlance – the referrer assumes responsibility for the incumbent's conduct throughout the working life.

Complete Contentment
There was an unseen halo of positive vibrations around the members who delivered the talk. The glow on their faces came from complete contentment with their lives. They seemed as if they possessed all the happinessand riches in life. 'Be contented in what you have' is the principle that governs their life. This is particularly surprising because the members earn not more than 5-6 thousand a month and lead a very hard life comparedto most of us. Still there was not even an iota of stress on their faces – quite contrary to many others who earn much more than them.

Musical Meditation
The dabbawalas belong to a sect called Warkari that regularly chants songs of praise to the Lord. Their daily bhajans sessions seem to play an important role in relieving the day's stress. They truly embody a living where one looks beyond materialistic earnings and serves with commitment for a cause.

Sustained success will lead to fame
The dabbawalas believe in doing their work properly and have been ensuring that the 'zero error' flag is held high. The one thing that emerged very strongly is that they continue to do their work without thinking about any gain. Maybe that's why success and popularity is chasing them .

I do not know about you, but I could not help thinking about these humble angels all night. Is it not strange that though the Mumbai Dabbawalas have been operating since 1890 and it is only recently that you and I have noticed them? If the Dabbawalas had not received due recognition from Prince Charles, Harvard and C K Pralhad, would there be packed audiences to listen to their talk? The answer is obvious. Why does one need a phoren certificate to appreciate local goodness?

If one develops a keen eye to notice positives, one can achieve success in every endeavour. So, begin fishing for goodness - starting today.

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